A primary school is “disappointed” after being downgraded by Ofsted, claiming that inspectors did not consider challenges caused by Covid and the cost-of-living crisis.

Rose Lane Primary School, in Rose Lane in Chadwell Heath, was rated 'requires improvement' after an inspection carried out on January 23 and 24.

The school had previously been rated 'good'.

A report published on May 7 said that pupils enjoyed attending the school and "much consideration was given to their social and emotional development". This, it added, ensured pupils felt secure and safe in the school.

The school was found providing a range of after-school activities, including extra classes for students in Year 6.

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The curriculum was said to be broad and ambitious. But inspectors said even though pupils learnt effectively in some subjects, this was not consistent.

“There is too much variability in how well the curriculum is implemented, and expectations of what pupils can achieve are not high enough”, the report added.

It further said that pupils were polite and friendly and relationships around the school were warm.

But there were some classes in which the inspectors found that learning was disrupted.

The report said: “Pupils engage positively with adults and with each other at playtimes. However, some pupils do not feel listened to when they raise concerns about bullying.

“A small number of pupils use derogatory language. This is not tackled consistently by all staff."

It praised the school’s leaders for identifying the knowledge that pupils should learn in each subject and the order in which it should be taught.

In some subjects such as history and mathematics, inspectors said the curriculum was implemented well but in others said the work the pupils complete “has not been carefully thought through”.

The school referred this paper to Barking and Dagenham Council when contacted for comment and a spokesperson said it was “disappointed” with the inspection outcome.

While the school recognises the areas of improvement specified in the report, they said it is committed to continue to work to ensure children feel secure and the school has a “broad and ambitious” curriculum.

They revealed that the last two inspections rated it as 'good', but since then Marks Gate Infant School and Marks Gate Junior School were merged to form Rose Lane Primary.

The school is grappling with the effects of Covid and the ongoing impact of the cost of living crisis on children and their families in the very “disadvantaged area”, the spokesperson said.

The school leaders believe that despite discussing these issues with the inspector, they were not fully reflected in the report.

The council spokesperson added: “The local authority will be working with and supporting the school, governors, the children and their families to develop an improvement plan, which will capitalise on the school’s existing strengths to address the report recommendations."

Ofsted has been contacted for comment but it has previously said it does not comment on individual reports.